Thursday, April 8, 2010

Transportation Art Project

We did this activity for preschool with our transportation lesson. Russ loved it so much that he wanted to do it again and again.

Russell got to experiment with how things move with paint. All you need is a little washable paint, some toy cars, animals, or anything else that moves from one place to another. It is fun to see the different tire tracks/footprints each thing makes. You could even have your child add their own footprint, if you are motivated enough!

It's just a lot of fun, and not as messy as you might think, as long as you have a bucket or sink of sudsy water all ready for when they get done.

I let Russell wash his own toys with a bucket of soapy water and a toothbrush. He thought it was so cool to take the cars to the "carwash." It may have been his favorite part.

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